85 Direct observation and control of non-classical crystallization pathways in binary colloidal systems - S. Zang, S. Paul, C.W. Leung, M.S. Chen, T.
Hueckel, G.M. Hocky and S. Sacanna - Coming soon…
84 Osmotic and Phoretic Competition Explain Chemotaxic Assembly and Sorting - A.V. Hardikara, A.W. Hauser, T.M. Hopkins, S. Sacanna, and P.M. Chaikin - PNAS
83 Enabling 3D real space analysis of ionic colloidal crystallization - S. Zang, A.W. Hauser, G.M. Hocky and S. Sacanna - Nature Materials
82 Light-triggered inflation of microdroplets - A.W. Hauser, Q. Zhou, P.M. Chaikin and S. Sacanna - Chemistry of Materials
81 Spearheading a new era in complex colloid synthesis with TPM and other silanes - M. Kamp, S. Sacanna and R.P.A. Dullens - Nature Reviews Chemistry
80 Networks of limited-valency patchy particles - P. J. M. Swinkels, R. Sinaasappel, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, W. V. Meyer, F. Sciortino and P. Schall - PRL
79 Microswimmers under the spotlight: interplay between agents with different levels of activity - C. Desgranges, M. Ferrari, P.M. Chaikin, S. Sacanna, M.E. Tuckerman and J. Delhommelle - Soft Matter
78 Caged Colloids - Z. Xu, T. Hueckel, W.T.M Irvine, and S. Sacanna - Chemistry of Materials (cover)
77 Visualizing defect dynamics by assembling colloidal graphene - P.J.M. Swinkels, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, E. Noya, and P. Schall - Nature Communications
76 Phases of surface-confined trivalent particles - P.J.M. Swinkels, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, E. Noya, and P. Schall - Soft Matter (cover)
75 Irregular particle morphology and membrane rupture facilitate ion gradients in the lumen of phagosomes - M.V. Baranov, M. Ioannidis, S. Balahsioui, A. Boersma, de Boer R., M. Kumar, M. Niwa, T. Hirayama, Q. Zhou, T.M. Hopkins, P. Grijpstra, S. Thutupalli, S. Sacanna, van den Bogaart G. - Biophysical Reports
74 Extreme mechanics of colloidal polymers under compression: buckling, creep and break-up - S.G. Stuij, A. Biebricher, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, E. Peterman, I. Heller, and P. Schall - Physical Review Materials
73 Assembling anisotropic colloids using curvature-mediated lipid sorting - M. Kumar, A. Singh, B. Del Secco, M.V. Baranov, G. van den Bogaart, S. Sacanna, and S. Thutupalli - Soft Matter
72 Transmembrane transport in inorganic colloidal cell mimics - Z. Xu, T. Hueckel, W.T.M. Irvine and S. Sacanna - Nature
71 Colloidal Metallurgy - T. Hueckel, and S. Sacanna - Nature Chemistry
70 Total Synthesis of Colloidal Matter - T. Hueckel, G.M. Hocky, and S. Sacanna - Nature Reviews Materials
69 Patchy colloidal clusters with broken symmetry - Y-J Kim, J-H Kim, I-S Jo, D.J. Pine, S. Sacanna, and G-R Yi - JACS
68 Revealing Polymerization Kinetics with Colloidal Dipatch Particles - S. G. Stuij, J. Rouwhorst, H. Jonas, N. Ruffino, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, P. G. Bolhuis, and P. Schall - Physical Review Letters
67 Revealing Viscoelastic Bending Relaxation Dynamics of Isolated Semi-Flexible Colloidal Polymers - S. Stuij, H. Jonas, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, T. Kodger, P. Bolhuis, and P. Schall - Soft Matter
66 Revealing Pseudorotation and Ring-Opening Reactions in Colloidal Organic Molecules - P. J. M. Swinkels, S. G. Stuij, Z. Gong, H. Jonas, N. Ruffino, B. van der Linden, P. G. Bolhuis, S. Sacanna, S. Woutersen, and P. Schall - Nature Communications
65 Large-scale synthesis of colloidal bowl-shaped particles - K.V. Edmond, T.W.P. Jacobson, J-S. Oh, G-R. Yi, A.D. Hollingsworth, S. Sacanna and D.J. Pine - Soft Matter
64 Modulation of Immune Responses by Particle Size and Shape - M.V Baranov, M. Kumar, S. Sacanna, S. Thutupalli, G. Van Den Bogaart - Frontiers in Immunology
63 Colloidal Diamond - M. He, J. Gales, E. Ducrot, Z. Gong, G-R Yi, S. Sacanna, and D.J. Pine - Nature
62 Ionic Solids from Common Colloids - T. Hueckel, G.M. Hocky, J. Palacci, and S. Sacanna - Nature
61 Selective colloidal bonds via polymer-mediated interactions - J. Opdama, R. Tuinier, T. Hueckel, T. Snoeren, and S. Sacanna - Soft Matter (cover)
60 Rapid Characterization of Neutral Polymer Brush with a Conventional Zetameter and a Variable Pinch of Salt - M. Youssef, A. Morin, A. Aubret, S. Sacanna and J. Palacci - Soft Matter
59 Reversible solid-state phase transitions in confined two-layer colloidal crystals. - Z. Jia, M. Youssef, A. Samper, S. Sacanna and S.S. Lee - Colloid Polym Sci
58 Pickering Emulsions based on Wax and Halloysite Nanotubes: an Eco-Friendly Protocol for the Treatment of Archeological Woods. - L. Lisuzzo, T. Hueckel, G. Cavallaro, S. Sacanna and G. Lazzara - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
57 Some Stirring Required - T. Hueckel and S. Sacanna - Nature Materials
56 The Odd Free Surface Flows of a Colloidal Chiral Fluid - V. Soni , S. Magkiriadou , S. Sacanna , D. Bartolo , M. Shelley and W.T.M. Irvine - Nature Physics (cover)
55 Colloidal Organosilica Spheres for Three-Dimensional Confocal Microscopy - Y. Liu, T. Yanagishima, A. Curran, K.V. Edmond, S. Sacanna, R.P.A. Dullens - Langmuir
54 Editorial Overview: Particle Systems Shape-Change and Response - S. Sacanna, P. Spicer and K. Velikov - Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science.
53 Targeted Assembly and Synchronization of Self-spinning Microgears - A. Aubret, M. Youssef, S. Sacanna and J. Palacci - Nature Physics
52 Monodisperse Magnetic Silica Hexapods - J.-H. Kim, H.J. Hwang, J.S. Oh, S. Sacanna and G. Yi - JACS
51 Mix-and-Melt Colloidal Engineering - T. Hueckel and S. Sacanna - ACS Nano
50 Self-organization in Dipolar Cube Fluids Constrained by Competing Anisotropies - L. Rossi, J.G. Donaldson, J-M. Meijer, A.V. Petukhov, D. Kleckner, S.S. Kantorovich, W.T.M. Irvine, A.P. Philipse and S. Sacanna - .Soft Matter (cover)
49 Monitoring Molecular Transport Across Colloidal Membranes - E. V. Silletta, Z. Xu, M. Youssef, S Sacanna, and A. Jerschow - J. Phys. Chem. B
48 Patchy Particles Made by Colloidal Fusion - Z. Gong, T. Hueckel, G. Yi and S. Sacanna - Nature
47 Unstable Fronts and Motile Structures Formed by Microrollers - M. Driscoll, B. Delmotte, M. Youssef, S. Sacanna, A. Donev and P. Chaikin - Nature Physics
46 Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Dimpled Colloids Into Open Packing Structures - Z. Jia, S. Sacanna and S. S. Lee. - Soft Matter
45 Preparation of Colloidal Organosilica Spheres Through Spontaneous Emulsification - C. van der Wel, R. K. Bhan, R. W. Verweij, H. C. Frijters, Z. Gong, A. D. Hollingsworth, S. Sacanna and D. J. Kraft - Langmuir
44 Diffusivity Control of Magnetic Cube-Particle Chain by External Magnetic Field - S. Lee, S. Park, Y. Lee, G. Yi, S. Sacanna and D.-H. Kim - Appl. Phys. Lett.
43 Colloids Can ”see” the Light - T. Hueckel, and S. Sacanna - Chem
42 Editorial Overview. Patchy Colloidal Particles - A. Patti, S. Sacanna and K Velikov - Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
41 Shapeshifting Colloids via Stimulated Dewetting - M. Youssef, T. Hueckel, G. Yi, and S. Sacanna - Nature Communications
40 Core-shell particles for simultaneous three-dimensional imaging and optical tweezing in dense colloidal materials - Y. Liu, K.V. Edmond, A. Curran, C. Bryant, B. Peng, D.G.A.L. Aarts, S. Sacanna and R.P.A. Dullens - Advanced Materials
39 Trochoidal trajectories of self-propelled Janus particles in a diverging laser beam - H. Moyses, J. Palacci, S. Sacanna and D.G. Grier - Soft Matter (cover)
38 Binding kinetics of lock and key colloids - L. Colon-Melendez, D. Beltran-Villegas, G. van Anders, J. Liu, M. Spellings, S. Sacanna, D.J. Pine, S.C. Glotzer, R.G. Larson, M.J. Solomon - The Journal of Chemical Physics
37 Artificial Rheotaxis - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, A. Abramian, J. Barral, K. Hanson, A. Grosberg, D.J. Pine and P.M. Chaikin - Science Advance
36 Shape-sensitive crystallization in colloidal superball fluids - L. Rossi, V. Soni, D. J. Ashton, D.J. Pine, A.P. Philipse, P.M. Chaikin, Marjolein Dijkstra, S. Sacanna and W.T.M. Irvine - PNAS
35 Re-entrant solidification in polymer-colloid mixtures as a consequence of competing entropic and enthalpic attractions.
L. Feng, B. Laderman, S. Sacanna, and P.M. Chaikin - Nature Materials
34 Light Activated Self-propelled Colloids - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, S.-H. Kim, G.-R. Yi, D.J. Pine and P.M. Chaikin. - Philosophical Trans- actions A
33 Digital Colloids: Reconfigurable Clusters as High Information Density Elements - C. Phillips, E. Jankowski, B. Krishnatreya, K. Edmond, S. Sacanna, D. Grier, D.J. Pine and S. Glotzer - Soft Matter (featured on the cover)
32 Three-Dimensional Lock and Key Colloids - Y. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Zheng, G. Yi, S. Sacanna, D. Pine and M. Weck - JACS
September 2014: SacannaLab established
31 Ultrasmooth, Highly Spherical Monocrystalline Gold Particles for Precision Plasmonics Y. Lee, N.B. Schade, L. Sun, J.A. Fan, D.R. Bae, M.M. Mariscal, G. Lee, F. Capasso, S. Sacanna, V.N. Manoharan, G. Yi. - ACS Nano
30 Photo activated colloidal dockers for cargo transportation - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, A. Vatchinsky, P.M. Chaikin, and D.J. Pine. - JACS
29 Engineering shape: the novel geometries of colloidal self-assembly - S. Sacanna, D.J. Pine and G-R Yi - Soft Matter
28 Recent progress on patchy colloids and their self-assembly - G-R Yi, D.J. Pine and S. Sacanna - J. Phys. Condensed Matter
27 Self-assembly of spherical colloidal particles with off-centered magnetic dipoles - A. Abrikossov, S. Sacanna, A.P. Philipse, and P. Linse. - Soft Matter
26 Emerging structural disorder in a suspension of uniformly dimpled colloidal particles - S.J. Ivell, R.P.A. Dullens, S. Sacanna, and D.G.A.L. Aarts. - Soft Matter
25 Shaping colloids for self-assembly - S. Sacanna, M. Korpics, K. Rodriguez, L. Colon-Melendez, S-H. Kim, D.J. Pine and G-R. Yi. - Nature Communications
24 Living Crystals of Light Activated Colloidal Surfers - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, A. P. Steinberg, D.J. Pine, P.M. Chaikin - Science
23 Synthesis and assembly of colloidal particles with sticky dimples - S. Kim, A.D. Hollingsworth, S. Sacanna, D.J. Pine, and G. Yi - JACS
22 Magnetic click colloidal assembly - S. Sacanna, L. Rossi and D.J. Pine - JACS
21 Cubic Crystals from Cubic Colloids - L. Rossi, S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, P.M. Chaikin, D.J. Pine and A.P. Philipse - Soft Matter (featured on the cover)
20 Shape-anisotropic colloids: Building blocks for complex assemblies - S. Sacanna and D.J. Pine - Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (2011)
19 Lock and Key Colloids through Polymerization-Induced Buckling of Monodisperse Silicon Oil Droplets - S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, L. Rossi and D.J. Pine - Soft Matter (featured on the cover)
18 Cholesteric colloidal liquid crystals from phytosterol rod-like particles - L. Rossi, S. Sacanna, and K. Velikov - Soft Matter
17 Conditions for Equilibrium Solid-Stabilized Emulsions - D.J. Kraft, J.W.J. de Folter, B. Luigjes, S.I.R. Castillo, S. Sacanna, A.P. Philipse, and W.K. Kegel - J. Phys. Chem.
16 Lock and Key Colloids - S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, P.M. Chaikin and D.J. Pine - Nature
15 Direct Observation of Colloidal Aggregation by Critical Casimir Forces - D. Bonn, J. Otwinowski, S. Sacanna, H. Guo, G. Wegdam and P. Schall - Physical Review Letters
14 Characterization of anisotropic nano-particles by using depolarized dynamic light scattering in the near field - D. Brogioli, D. Salerno, V. Cassina, S. Sacanna, A. P. Philipse, F. Croccolo, and F. Mantegazza - Optics Express.
January 2008: Utrecht University - NYU transition
13 Observation of a shape-dependent density maximum in random packings and glasses of colloidal silica ellipsoids - S. Sacanna, L. Rossi, A.Wouterse and A.P. Philipse - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
12 Oil-in-water emulsification induced by ellipsoidal hematite colloids: evidence for hydrolysis- mediated self-assembly - S. Sacanna, L. Rossi and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir
11 Spontaneous oil-in-water emulsification induced by charge-stabilized dispersions of var- ious inorganic colloids -S. Sacanna, W. K. Kegel and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir
10 A generic single-step synthesis of monodisperse core-shell colloids based on spontaneous Pickering emulsification -S. Sacanna and A.P. Philipse - Advanced Materials
9 Thermodynamically stable Pickering emulsions - S. Sacanna, W. K. Kegel and A.P. Philipse - Physical Review Letters
8 Preparation and Properties of Monodisperse latex spheres with controlled magnetic moment for field-induced colloidal crystallization and (dipolar) chain formation - S. Sacanna and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir
7 Low-Frequency Complex Magnetic Susceptibility of Magnetic Composite Microspheres in Colloidal Dispersion - B. Erne, M. Claesson, S. Sacanna, M. Klokkenburg, E. Bakelaar, B. Kuipers - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
6 Many-body Hydrodynamic Interactions in Charge-stabilized Suspensions - A. J. Banchio, J. Gapinski, A. Patkowski, W. Haußler, A. Fluerasu, S. Sacanna, P. Holmqvist, G. Meier, M. P. Lettinga, and G. Nagele - Physical Review Letters
5 Fluorescent Monodisperse Silica Ellipsoids for Rotational Diffusion Studies - S. Sacanna, L. Rossi, B.W.M. Kuipers and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir
4 Stability of mixtures of charged silica, silica-alumina, and magnetite colloids - J.L. Viota, M. Rasa, S. Sacanna and A.P. Philipse - Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
3 Microemulsion Synthesis of Fluorinated Latex Spheres S. Sacanna, G.H. Koenderink, and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir
2 Rotational and translational diffusion of fluorocarbon tracer spheres in semidilute xanthan solutions - G.H. Koenderink, S. Sacanna, D.G.A.L. Aarts, and A.P. Philipse - Physical Review E: Statisti- cal, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
1 Preparation and Properties of Optically Transparent Aqueous Dispersions of Monodisperse Fluorinated Colloids - G.H. Koenderink, S. Sacanna, C. Pathmamanoharan, M. Rasa, and A.P. Philipse - Langmuir