Transmembrane transport in inorganic colloidal cell mimics - Z. Xu, T. Hueckel, W.T.M. Irvine and S. Sacanna
Colloidal Diamond - M. He, J. Gales, E. Ducrot, Z. Gong, G-R Yi, S. Sacanna, and D.J. Pine
Ionic Solids from Common Colloids - T. Hueckel, G.M. Hocky, J. Palacci, and S. Sacanna
Patchy Particles Made by Colloidal Fusion - Z. Gong, T. Hueckel, G. Yi and S. Sacanna
Lock and Key Colloids - S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, P.M. Chaikin and D.J. Pine
The Odd Free Surface Flows of a Colloidal Chiral Fluid - V. Soni , S. Magkiriadou , S. Sacanna , D. Bartolo , M. Shelley and W.T.M. Irvine
Targeted Assembly and Synchronization of Self-spinning Microgears - A. Aubret, M. Youssef, S. Sacanna and J. Palacci
Unstable Fronts and Motile Structures Formed by Microrollers - M. Driscoll, B. Delmotte, M. Youssef, S. Sacanna, A. Donev and P. Chaikin
Enabling 3D real space analysis of ionic colloidal crystallization - S. Zang, A.W. Hauser, G.M. Hocky and S. Sacanna
Re-entrant solidification in polymer-colloid mixtures as a consequence of competing entropic and enthalpic attractions.
L. Feng, B. Laderman, S. Sacanna, and P.M. Chaikin
Some Stirring Required - T. Hueckel and S. Sacanna
Direct observation and control of non-classical crystallization pathways in binary colloidal systems - S. Zang, S. Paul, C.W. Leung, M.S. Chen, T.Hueckel, G.M. Hocky and S. Sacanna
Visualizing defect dynamics by assembling colloidal graphene - P.J.M. Swinkels, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, E. Noya, and P. Schall
Revealing Pseudorotation and Ring-Opening Reactions in Colloidal Organic Molecules - P. J. M. Swinkels, S. G. Stuij, Z. Gong, H. Jonas, N. Ruffino, B. van der Linden, P. G. Bolhuis, S. Sacanna, S. Woutersen, and P. Schall
Shapeshifting Colloids via Stimulated Dewetting - M. Youssef, T. Hueckel, G. Yi, and S. Sacanna
Shaping colloids for self-assembly - S. Sacanna, M. Korpics, K. Rodriguez, L. Colon-Melendez, S-H. Kim, D.J. Pine and G-R. Yi.
Living Crystals of Light Activated Colloidal Surfers - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, A. P. Steinberg, D.J. Pine, P.M. Chaikin
Monodisperse Magnetic Silica Hexapods - J.-H. Kim, H.J. Hwang, J.S. Oh, S. Sacanna and G. Yi
Three-Dimensional Lock and Key Colloids - Y. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Zheng, G. Yi, S. Sacanna, D. Pine and M. Weck
Photo activated colloidal dockers for cargo transportation - J. Palacci, S. Sacanna, A. Vatchinsky, P.M. Chaikin, and D.J. Pine
Synthesis and assembly of colloidal particles with sticky dimples - S. Kim, A.D. Hollingsworth, S. Sacanna, D.J. Pine, and G. Yi
Magnetic click colloidal assembly - S. Sacanna, L. Rossi and D.J. Pine
Microswimmers under the spotlight: interplay between agents with different levels of activity - C. Desgranges, M. Ferrari, P. Chaikin, S. Sacanna, M.E. Tuckerman and J. Delhommelle - Soft Matter
Phases of surface-confined trivalent particles - P.J.M. Swinkels, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, E. Noya, and P. Schall
Revealing Viscoelastic Bending Relaxation Dynamics of Isolated Semi-Flexible Colloidal Polymers - S. Stuij, H. Jonas, Z. Gong, S. Sacanna, T. Kodger, P. Bolhuis, and P. Schall
Large-scale synthesis of colloidal bowl-shaped particles - K.V. Edmond, T.W.P. Jacobson, J-S. Oh, G-R. Yi, A.D. Hollingsworth, S. Sacanna and D.J. Pine
Selective colloidal bonds via polymer-mediated interactions - J. Opdama, R. Tuinier, T. Hueckel, T. Snoeren, and S. Sacanna
Rapid Characterization of Neutral Polymer Brush with a Conventional Zetameter and a Variable Pinch of Salt - M. Youssef, A. Morin, A. Aubret, S. Sacanna and J. Palacci
Self-organization in Dipolar Cube Fluids Constrained by Competing Anisotropies - L. Rossi, J.G. Donaldson, J-M. Meijer, A.V. Petukhov, D. Kleckner, S.S. Kantorovich, W.T.M. Irvine, A.P. Philipse and S. Sacanna
Cubic Crystals from Cubic Colloids - L. Rossi, S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, P.M. Chaikin, D.J. Pine and A.P. Philipse
Lock and Key Colloids through Polymerization-Induced Buckling of Monodisperse Silicon Oil Droplets - S. Sacanna, W.T.M. Irvine, L. Rossi and D.J. Pine
Trochoidal trajectories of self-propelled Janus particles in a diverging laser beam - H. Moyses, J. Palacci, S. Sacanna and D.G. Grier
Emerging structural disorder in a suspension of uniformly dimpled colloidal particles - S.J. Ivell, R.P.A. Dullens, S. Sacanna, and D.G.A.L. Aarts
Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Dimpled Colloids Into Open Packing Structures - Z. Jia, S. Sacanna and S. S. Lee
Engineering shape: the novel geometries of colloidal self-assembly - S. Sacanna, D.J. Pine and G-R Yi
Self-assembly of spherical colloidal particles with off-centered magnetic dipoles - A. Abrikossov, S. Sacanna, A.P. Philipse, and P. Linse
Cholesteric colloidal liquid crystals from phytosterol rod-like particles - L. Rossi, S. Sacanna, and K. Velikov